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How many types of keywords are there in SEO?

Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round and listen up because we're about to dive into the wild and wonderful world of keywords. But this isn't your average boring lecture, oh no. We're going to approach this subject with wit, charm, and humor. So, put down that thesaurus, forget about "SEO" being an acronym for "Search Engine Optimization", and get ready for a wild ride through the universe of keywords with yours truly as your trusty tour guide. This is going to be one keyword party that you won't forget in a hurry!

Actually, we can’t live up to that intro. As much as we try keywords just really aren’t that exciting! We love them and the magic they provide… but we’ll be honest. They can be a little dull! So we’ve put together a list of what keyword categories you should know about to get your website working day in and day out!

  1. Short-tail keywords: Single-word keywords, e.g. "shoes"

  2. Long-tail keywords: Phrase keywords, e.g. "best running shoes for men"

  3. Latent semantic keywords: Keywords related to the main keyword, e.g. "sneakers, trainers, athletic shoes"

  4. LSI keywords: Keywords that are semantically related to the main keyword, e.g. "running, jogging, sports"

  5. Geographic keywords: Keywords that include a location, e.g. "shoe store in NYC"

  6. Branded keywords: Keywords that include a brand name, e.g. "Nike shoes"

Every website often uses a mix of different types of keywords to optimize their online visibility and reach their target audience. This includes everything that we listed above. Quite often you might not even realise you’re writing text that ticks all those boxes, but now you know, you can bring an extra dimension to the content you create.

By using a mix of different types of keywords, websites can improve their chances of ranking well in search engine results and attract a wider range of potential customers. It's important for websites to use keywords in a strategic and balanced manner to ensure that they are accurately reflecting the content of the website and providing a positive user experience.

Any business can use keywords and start curating content that will engage with potential customers and make them more accessible through search engines. Setting up for long-term success through organic growth.