Usual + Broadsword Experience


Broadsword Experience is one of the most ambitious and exciting projects we have been involved with. A premium military experience for individuals who are looking to test who they are and what they can do. One of the biggest challenges in a startup business is being able to articulate who you are and who you are for. We worked with Broadsword to develop their personality & how they are going to show up in the world.


> What we did together

Leader workshops
Brand identity
Culture identity
Brand voice & tone

Broadsword experience brand identity cover by usual digital
Broadsword Experience Brand Identity voice & tone cover by usual digital
Braodsword experience brand identity design by usual digital

> The mission

Bring to life a document that contains the essence of the Broadswords brand through, imagery, words, colour and tone.

Working with Broadsword has been a journey of discovery. Locating what the Broadsword brand is all about; Having entered into early-stage funding for their experiential tourism business creating their brand identity has been a key step. There was an incredible need for the Broadsword team to have a solid understanding of how they present themselves and their brand to the world.

Broadsword experience image quote by usual digital
Broadsword experience brand logo
Broadswords experience brand identity mission collage by usual digital
Broadsword experience brand identity by usual digital

> The brand

Building a brand from scratch is an epic undertaking for any business. The challenge is that there is no historical working culture or norms to draw from. The advantage is that there is a blank slate for the business leaders to craft their brand.

Partnering with Broadsword we ran digital workshops to get to the core of who they are. This interactive process of exploring the values and opinions of their business leaders. Asking simple questions with difficult answers to draw out a detailed map of Broadsword.

Broadsword experience imagery design by usual digital
Broadsword experience brand identity quote image by usual digital

> Results

Our workshops with Broadsword enabled us to produce a brand identity that will act as a foundation for their entire business.

Broadswords’ brand identity reflects the essence of their business. It examines the season for existing, tone of voice, values and so much more. By defining who they are Broadsword have been enabled to present who they are accurately and successfully to investors. Beginning their journey and incredible adventure.


Usual + Good’s Department Store